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  How will the 'n2n' (nanocorp-to-nanocorp) marketplace work?

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Author Topic:   How will the 'n2n' (nanocorp-to-nanocorp) marketplace work?
Black belt
posted 10-11-1999 04:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jim_Salmons   Click Here to Email Jim_Salmons     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The 'dejobbing' of the workplace will change everything. Nanocorpers go with the flow. The entrepreneurial start-up of the near future will be collaborative webs of 'best and brightest' nanocorping free agents... a start-up of a web of businesses rather than a start-up of individuals filling jobs in a company.

How will this free market of entrepreneurial collaborators work? What is n2n due diligence? What is the role of mentoring and sweat equity in nanocorp replication?

Enquiring nanocorpers want to know... what do you think?

Rob L Murphy
White belt
posted 03-10-2002 09:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rob L Murphy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It still remains that most dejobbed people will need a job. If it isn't a life defining situation ie: 'servant' 'serf',it may still need to be the modern equivalent; 'waiter', 'clerk'. Most people are not going to understand and initiate independent entrepreneurialism; they are going to ask for a simply defined task to perform in exchange for a simply quantified reward. Give me a job. Pay me.
I saw an ad in a magazine for a robot that can walk upstairs and vacuum the house. UHOH! What becomes of our favorite immigrant story of mom scrubbing floors to put junior in college? We who can see the writing on the net better describe a new paradigm for worthy effort, one that the simplest among us can share- and prosper from. I lean toward recreating the garden; we have the materials, and nothing feels more rewarding than digging in hard and seeing it grow.
Any specific ideas?

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