<p><img align="right" hspace="10" height="72" width="66" src="./images/jim-timlynn.jpg">People: <b>Jim Salmons</b> and <b>Timlynn Babitsky</b><br>
Thumbnail URL: <b>http://sohodojo.com/images/jim-timlynn.jpg</b>
<p><b>Jim Salmons</b> and <b>Timlynn Babitsky</b> are practicing small business futurists. They believe <i>"Ride the wave, don't own it!"</i> and have been doing just that since the mid-Seventies during the early days of PLATO, Control Data's global, on-line learning system which pre-dates the Internet as we know it. Entrepreneurial free agents for most of their adult lives, they are committed to developing both the business models and associated software frameworks to support concurrent entrepreneurial free agency and dejobbed small business.