We vowed we would never have 'under construction' pages... so we adopted a Just In Time approach to content development, and it just isn't quite this page's time yet.
But seriously, folks, we are just getting started on a very exciting and revolutionary time in terms of our redefining the workplace and our collective relationships to this new business landscape. There is a lot of talk about 'The Brand You' being a slogan to express how essential it is to see yourself as a business.
Nanocorping free agents express themselves in their business lives by nurturing a collection of role-based collaborations in 'dejobbed' companies of shared ownership.
When consumers tire of doing business with impersonal, increasingly dysfunctional megacorporations, they will turn to who they know and trust... the Brand You becomes a doorway into your web of business collaborations.
Over the next few months, we'll be evolving more structure to this nanocorp-to-Consumer marketplace. This agenda is ripe for strategic partnering with relevant service providers.