The Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab
This second edition updates the excellent information of the '95 edition. It covers the many career opportunities in socially responsible and green businesses, industry, commerce, and non-profit organizations. Part One identifies occupations and businesses that are "catalysts for a positive future," i.e., occupations and businesses that can make, or are making, a difference. Part Two (A Ten Step Program for Principled Career Development) helps you define your personal areas of commitment. What ARE the personal, social and environmental values you hold and how can they help you make career and business decisions? The Ten Step Program is the heart of this book and well-worth a go-through.
Part Three covers tools and resources. Compelling stories show you how ordinary people are doing good things and doing well. This book is well worth reading if you are just starting your work life, if you are unhappy in your work life, or if you want to change your line of work or business. Making a Living While Making a Difference is an excellent self-help guide for anyone who wants to live and work consistently with the values they hold most dear. Dojo Recommended Making a Difference Links
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