Visit the Small Business Revolutionaries webring

The Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab
Sohodojo proudly hosts...
The Small Business Revolutionaries Webring
I'm Ready to Join!

I am a happy owner/employee of a revolutionary business and want to join the Webring . I understand that to join the SBR ring, I must take the following steps:

Step One: Fill out the form and submit it. Describe in what way your business uses a revolutionary business model or resonates with the revolutionary ideas at Sohodojo. If you support Small Business in some particular way, fill out the form and submit it.

Step Two: You'll receive a message from the WebRing Master and a block of HTML code for the required Webring links which must be placed and maintained on your site. Put the code on the page you identified on the submission form.

Step Three: WebRing Master inspects your site, description and keywords and sends you e-mail. If you are accepted and you have already placed the HTML code on your site, you will be welcomed to the Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries, and your site will be added to the Webring.

Step Four: Once accepted into the Webring and listed as a member, you must display the required Webring navigation links on your website. If you don't do this, the other sites in the webring will not receive visitors from your site. Your site will 'break' the navigation links among Ring members. Your site will have to be dropped from the Webring and all links to it will be removed.

Business name:
URL for your webring display page:
Owner's name (that's you):
Owner's e-mail (you, again):
Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!):
Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your business.
Enter a short description of your Business or business model.

I understand that my acceptance into the Small Business Revolutionaries webring is contingent upon inspection of the content of my site, and the placing of and maintaining of the Webring links (required) and SBR ring logo (optional) on my website.

Further, I understand that if, for any seemingly whimsical or other stupid reason, my site is declined Small Business Revolutionaries webring membership, my only recourse is to give you a piece of my mind!

[ Take me back to the Small Business Revolutionaries webring home page. ]

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"War College" of the Small Is Good Business Revolution
Website design and hosting by Sohodojo Business Services,
A Portfolio Life nanocorp

Support Sohodojo, the Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab exploring Open Source technologies to support 'Small is Good' business webs for social/economic development
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 Go ahead, we can take it... Give us a piece of your mind. Complaint? Irritation? Suggestion?
Tell us, please.