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The Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab
Sohodojo no longer recommends
for free agent and small business
web hosting services

NOTE: Below, as stated, is what we felt about this company at publication date. After an extended period of absolutely abominable tech support and growing distance from its core principles, we have stopped using and recommending Virtaulis to our community.

Tech support rules!

3 May 1999: As you know, our policy at the dojo is to only sell the products and services that we use and believe in. Making such recommendations when it comes to tool/product choices is relatively easy.

But recommending services is a much more important charter for us here at the dojo. Nanocorp-based web businesses are viable only to the extent that they are flexible and nimble. That means your web business has to be able to both adapt to emerging opportunities and you have to be nimble enough to get out of the way of competition-crushing market leaders.

For a nanocorp-based web business, this means that your core service provider is your website hosting service. Tech support is priority one, with customer service a close second. Your website hosting provider must have the technical expertise to run their own shop, plus they must be able to quickly and efficiently handle your problems.

The second priority, customer service, means that your hosting service should treat you, the customer, with respect and appreciation. Some hosting services are so hell-bent on serving the big accounts, that we nanocorpers are little more than a bother, or worse, a nuisance.

Truth is, our money is just as spendable as the money that comes from the Big Accounts. Providing high quality tech support and treating customers like they are all important, no matter how big the customer's business is, is a strategy for success.

This is why we selected Virtualis as our hosting service and why, now, we have become a Virtualis Reseller. We are confident that the service they provide will help you be successful as a nanocorp. Follow this link to learn more about Virtualis and our participation in the Virtualis Reseller program.

NOTE: The above news item, as stated, is what we felt about this company at publication date. After an extended period of absolutely abominable tech support and growing distance from its core principles, we have stopped using and recommending Virtaulis to our community.

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"War College" of the Small Is Good Business Revolution
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A Portfolio Life nanocorp

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