The Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab
Sohodojo, home of the nanocorp
News Archive
Tracking the Rise of the Entrepreneurial Free Agent
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Microenterprise Innovation - Father and son team, Richard and Toby Beresford, have created MicroAid Inc. which has an exciting Internet platform for fine-grained, person-to-person, economic and community development. To see this exciting Small Is Good World concept in action, read the October MicroAid newsletter. We're actively exploring strategic collaborations with this U.K.-based social enterprise. [ Visit the MicroAid web site and get involved ]
[ December MicroAid newsletter ]
LifeSIG - 3RBuilders.Net - Read The Human Side of Sustainable Community, Diana Christian's editorial on the Armstrong-Allison Work Party at the Earthaven ecovillage, reprinted from Communities magazine, the Journal of Cooperative Living.
Strategic Partnering & Portfolio Life - Timlynn Babitsky and Jim Salmons, founders of Sohodojo, accept North American Rural Futures Institute appointments at Montana State University Northern. Appointments strengthen NARFI and Sohodojo applied research and education partnership. [ More about NARFI appointments... ]
Strategic Partnership - Sohodojo and a Midwest-based soywax company – the innovative Iowa soybean wax candle company – announce partnership to develop the Chandler Guild, a microenterprise network for Village Chandlers making soy wax candles and related products.
[ Read Chandler Guild Press Release ]
WOW! Event Report - Didn't make it to the Iowa Creative Economy Unconference? Find out what Sohodojo and The Rise of the Creative Class author Richard Florida had to say at this WOW! event hosted by the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.
[ Read Our Trip Report ]
[ Creative Class In The Small Unworkshop Presentation (PDF format) ]
[ Read Our Unconference Workshop Press Release ]
Project - Daniel Quinn's new tribal ventures meet Sohodojo's Small Is Good Business Webs as we engage the Permaculture community to explore Plan B: The Business Beyond Civilization Project. Your insights and participation are welcome! [ More about Plan B ]
Networking - Sohodojo Jim and Timlynn had an inspiring and productive meeting with Naoko Takahashi, a Fellow of the Japan Foundation's Center for Global Partnership. Could the Small Is Good Business Revolution find a home in Japan? [ Find out more ]
LifeSIG - MIT's Tom Malone and Robert Laubacher have updated one of their inspiring and insightful articles about the monumental changes taking place in the U.S. employment system. Is a guild in your nanocorp-based, e-lancing, free agent, neo-tribal future? [ More info and article link ]
Entrepreneurship - Babson College, home of Sohodojo Advisory Board member Allan Cohen, is honored as a first tier National program and rated #1 by a 'jury of their peers' as the top school for undergradutate and graduate education in entrpreneurship in the 1st Annual Top 100 Entrepreneurial Colleges survey conducted by Entrepreneur Magazine. [ Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship web site ]
[ Visit Entrepreneur Magazine's web site for the complete 1st Annual Top 100 Entrepreneurial Colleges ]
Culture Shocks - Sohodojo Founders Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky are "charter members" of the Raleigh-Durham creative class according to Fiona Morgan's cover story in the Independent Weekly. [ More info and article link ]
Montana Partnering - Bear Paw Development Corporation and Sohodojo collaborate on a Hewlett-Packard Microenterprise Development Program grant for a Microenterprise Network Exploratory Learning and Software Development Lab to support solo and family-based entrepreneurs and small businesses in rural Northcentral Montana.
[ Read grant ]
Media Coverage - Tim Leeds' story in the Havre Daily News is the best press story to date explaining Sohodojo Timlynn and Jim's Portfolio Life, their R&D agenda, and reasons for relocating to rural north central Montana. [ Read the HDN news story... ]
Research Support - eProject – a leading provider of enterprise-scale, web-based project management and team collaboration software and hosted application services – announced its participation in the Sohodojo Research Sponsor program to support the lab's R&D and education programs. [ Read press release ]
Strategic Partnership - Sohodojo and a Midwest-based soywax company – the innovative Iowa soybean wax candle company – announce partnership to develop the Chandler Guild, a microenterprise network for Village Chandlers making soy wax candles and related products.
[ Read Chandler Guild Press Release ]
Networking Events - Sohodojo and a Midwest-based soywax company collaborate on March 5th Iowa Creative Economy Unconference workshop.
[ Read Unconference Workshop Press Release ]
Montana Partnering - Bear Paw Development Corporation and Sohodojo collaborate on a Hewlett-Packard Microenterprise Development Program grant for a Microenterprise Network Exploratory Learning and Software Development Lab to support solo and family-based entrepreneurs and small businesses in rural Northcentral Montana.
[ Read grant ]
Dojo-wide - Allan Cohen, distinguished professor of Global Leadership at Babson College and best-selling author, joins Sohodojo Advisory Board. [ Read press release ]
[ Read release supplement ]
TechSIG - The Argonne National Lab at U. Chicago supports Sohodojo with technology transfer collaboration - [ Read press release ]
EcoArticle - In Lay Your Pallet Down, Don't Burn It!, learn how Earthaven Ecovillagers have developed an innovative Green building design for affordable housing using industrial shipping pallets. [ Read article ]
TechSIG - Sohodojo visited U. Central Florida to spread Small Is Good Business Revolution and explore research collaborations with UCF's Institute for Simulation and Training and CREAT Digital Media Program. [ Read trip report ]
Dojo-wide - Sohodojo Co-founder and Research Director Jim Salmons is appointed to the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Federal Technology Advisory Board. [ More info ]
Dojo-wide - Andrew Cohill, internationally recognized leader in community organizing and community networking, and former Director of the Blacksburg Electronic Village joins Sohodojo Advisory Board. [ More info ]
Outreach - Sohodojo presented Shamrocks and Nanocorps: Bridging the Digital Divide, our business model and associated software research and social action vision as a keynote presentation at the Northern Montana Tech Expo in Havre, Montana. [ Read full presentation ]
Dojo Partnerships - Sohodojo has joined with Communities of the Future and the North American Rural Futures Institute (NARFI) as a sponsoring partner of the Knowledge Democracy Center. [ Visit KDC web site ]
Dojo-wide - Gary Lawrence Murphy, Canadian Open Source and Internet Freedom advocate and small business visionary joins Sohodojo Advisory Board. [ More info ]
Dojo Partnerships - Sohodojo helps Montana State U. Northern win Federal appropriation to fund the North American Rural Futures Institute! [ More info ]
Outreach - Sohodojo's Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky keynote Northern Montana Technology Expo hosted by Montana State University Northern and the North American Rural Futures Institute. [ More ]
Outreach - Sohodojo to attend and exhibit at North Carolina Rural Development Conference. [ More ]
Announcement - Business school students, faculty and researchers are invited to participate in our Open MBA Practicum Project to help launch, a Small Is Good Business Web. [ More info ]
Dojo-wide - Sohodojo presented 'Shamrocks and Nanocorps', our business model and associated software research vision in the Digital Divide session of the Net Impact Conference. [ View presentation ]
LifeSIG - Sohodojo visited Earthaven in October. This North Carolina ecovillage is a world-leader in the Permaculture movement. [ More info... ]
Dojo Milestone - Dan Pink puts Sohodojo's word, 'nanocorp', in the lexicon of Free Agent Nation! [ More info ]
Dojo Milestone - Contributions to Sohodojo are now U.S. tax-deductible! We are a North Carolina non-profit corporation with IRS 501(C)(3) designation as an education-oriented, public R&D lab. [NOTE 2014: This is no longer the case. While we got the designation, we were never able to attract grant or donor support and continues to operate as a self-funded organiazation.] [ Learn how you can help ]
Dojo Partnerships - Montana State U. Northern and Sohodojo partner to extend research and social action agenda of the North American Rural Futures Institute. [ Read press release ]
TechSIG - Sohodojo Jim and Timlynn's eXtreme Tech Writing project method was featured in a Customer Success Story at
LifeSIG - The Global Rural Network Project is now on-line! Sohodojo created and maintains this project's web site in our role as the technical partner in the Communities of the Future Network.
TechSIG - Design Notes for a 'Small is Good' Business Web e-Commerce Engine explores implications of story-driven, game-oriented marketplaces of the Dream Society.
Dojo-wide - Perri Morgan, small business lobbyist, joins the Sohodojo Advisory Board. [ More info ]
LifeSIG - Visit the North American Rural Futures Institute. Sohodojo created and maintains the web site for this member in the Communities of the Future Network. [ More info ]
- LifeSIG - Dan Pink, author of newly published Free Agent Nation, Fast Company editor and former White House speechwriter, visited North Carolina May 10th for a book tour event and to meet with Sohodojo's Jim and Timlynn. [ More info ]
- Breakthrough Systems joins SBR Webring. Long time community member, Jim Clauson, offers a nanocorp of service companies based on the philosophy of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Fourth Generation Management, and 21st Century Technologies.
- Innovative Website Solutions joins SBR Webring and offers to help you build your own multimedia flash web site using simple and affordable templates.
- Professor Bikey Bikes Bike Shop joins SBR Webring, "Wrenching for a Better Revolution." Inventor of the world famous Chairy Chair, and Sweatshops T-Shirt, Jonathan and friends are the new wave of young 'revolutionaries' working to change current societal norms.
- Turn Your Hobby Into A Money-Making Website joins SBR Webring as the site for webmasters who operate special-interest websites and want more traffic and more income.
- My Cruise joins SBR Webring offering "exceptional business opportunity to market a product that easily brings you $5000+ per week."
TechSIG - Sohodojo and Communities of the Future announce The Community Collaboration Platform Project at the Center for Community Collaboration Technologies.
TechSIG - Sohodojo's Jim and Timlynn donate web site make-over to Communities of the Future. Check out the new look and feel at COTF.
LifeSIG - Community member 'Lone Wolf Tony' Lawrence gives us his 'Reflections on Self-Employment', a LifeSIG experience report.
- Sohodojo's LifeSIG opens it's on-line door. The LifeSIG is just getting organized. If you'd like to publish a short article that fits the Sohodojo LifeSIG theme, drop us a note.
- Colonial and Country Collections joins the SBR Webring. Karen and Bill Crumpler are pioneers among their fellow small businesses and a test lab for Sohodojo's small business shopkeeper software.
- Teledynamics Communications, joins the SBR Webring. Teledynamics is an open source and web applications consulting company founded in 1983. They specialize in crafting large portals and news websites and in Linux evangelism.
- Sohodojo draws the nanocorp, collaboration networks, open source, open business vision tighter with complete revamp of the Sohodojo web site.
- RFP #29 Specification Writing for Web-based Project Planning Software first milestone accepted/approved by its progressive, committed sponsors:,, and SourceXchange. (28 Dec 00 - We've since learned better than to trust the verbal intentions of venture-backed Open Source service providers. Actions speak louder than words.)
- Sohodojo opens The Nanocorp Legal SIG Center, dedicated to the study and exploration of legal issues affecting Open Collaboration Models in the New Economy.
- Sohodojo opens The Open Source Collaboration Technologies Competency Center, a self-organizing, self-managing community dedicated to the study, research and development of Open Source collaboration technologies.
- Dan Pink is widely recognized as one of the most knowledgeable participant/observers chronicling the rise of free agency in the workplace and society at large. We talked with Dan at length in Washington. Read the discussion here on trends we spotted that are affecting the free agent community.
- Sohodojo's third in The Nanocorp Primer series, Primer #3 provides technical details supporting the Open Community model and shows how a nanocorp grows through replication.
- Sohodojo wins contract for RFP #29 Specification Writing for Web-based Project Planning Software with its creative, vision-based proposal which includes collaboration with Frank Castellucci of C.O.L. Consulting Ltd.. This first Wish List project funded through SourceXchange is sponsored by and
- We spent four days in Washington D.C. as part of the North Carolina delegation to the Congressional Small Business Summit. For all the insider scoop and plenty of interesting photos, go to the Summit Reports.
-, a subsidiary of the Goldhirsch Group, and Sohodojo, a portfolio holding of Sohodojo Business Services (formerly JFS Consulting), A Portfolio Life nanocorp, have signed a reciprocal content license agreement to offer their respective business communities content from each other's Internet web sites. See the press release for more on this unusual content partnership.
- Sohodojo hosts the archive of Advisory Board member Jim Schneider's The Taxman86 Speaks newsletter -- the best source of the latest news about Enterprise Communities, Empowerment Zones and HUB Zones. Dynamic translation of each page into any of six languages is available courtesy of
- NC Chapter of NFIB and Sohodojo open North Carolina Small Business Issues Voter Information Center. If you own a small business in North Carolina, it's time to stand up and be counted. Hi-tech, lo-tech, farms, shops, service providers and all in between - what do YOU want your elected officials to change for you?
- TechSIG on entrepreneurial free agent collaboration offers Role/Actor Scenario Patterns: 'The A-Team and the Sandbox'.
- Easley backs out of North Carolina Gubernatorial Debate. Two weeks before the televised event, Democratic candidate Mike Easley suddenly declined to go head-to-head with Republican nominee Richard Vinroot to debate issues of prime importance to the small business voters of North Carolina.
- The North Carolina Gubernatorial Debate 2000 Webpoll debuts. Sohodojo is providing hosting and poll programming as a public service to the voters of the State of North Carolina. The Webpoll is sponsored by NFIB and UNC-TV, and Sohodojo.
- Our TechSIG joins the SourceForge Open Source community and launches the phpPolls-extras Goodie Pack project. We are developing the PHP/MySQL-based web polling frameworks as an Open Source spin-off of the election debate website we are doing in North Carolina.
- The nanocorp and Sohodojo were recently showcased in an excellent feature story by Ruth Kai Adams in Canada's Calgary Herald. (Note: Although the Herald does offer some of its content on the Internet, Observer Section feature pieces are not included. See: Nano, Nano, Na-Net in the April 22, 2000, Observer Section pg. 8.) Now, let's get out there Calgary and shake things up!
- BusinessDate joins the Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries. Stephen Ferrari is creating a network for entrepreneurs to share views on "how small business can exploit this new age'. Check out his lists of resource links.
- Thriftgoddess joins the Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries. Kristi Capone offers a different spin on shopping..
- John Perry Barlow's Big Thinker ZDTV interview solidly resonates with the dejobbed small business entrepreneur at Sohodojo. Look for Big Thinker reruns on ZDTV or watch the on-line video. Part Two of the video is the focus of our Talkback comments on the ZDTV website.
- Build Freedom joins the Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries. Roan Carratu has a one-stop resource site to help people free themselves from intrusion by institutions and governments. This unique website, is well worth a visit.
- Neural Investment Forecast joins the Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries. Juergen Lahnsteiner uses state of the art neural network technology to provide daily forecasts on stocks, forex, indexes, mutual funds.
- Jim and Timlynn nominated to serve as North Carolina delegates to the 2000 Congressional Small Business Summit in Washington, DC. This biennial event is a unique opportunity to meet with members of Congress and small business leaders to shape the agenda and to help form the policies that will affect US small businesses for the future.
- Sohodojo invited to join the NC State Leadership Council of the NFIB. As spokesperson for the home-based, entrepreneurial free agent and Web-based small business community, Timlynn will serve as advisor, advocate and media contact for our issues and the NFIB in North Carolina.
- James E. Schneider, LL.M., joins the Sohodojo Advisory Board. Jim, a well-respected tax lawyer in southern California, and member of the SBR Webring is gaining national recognition as a vocal public advocate for Home-based Business tax reform. He publishes a small-business tax related newsletter DAILY which is quickly becoming an Insider Report for small business owners, lawyers and political activists. He is particularly active in the areas of HUB Zones, and Urban Empowerment/Enterprise Community Zone legislative issues.
- The Center for Intuitive Learning joins the Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries. When you want to "do what you love" but are not sure what that is, see Suzee Ebeling, Certified Mind-Body Integration Practitioner, Professional Intuition Coach.
- Don, the Idea Guy joins the Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries. Don's site is cheerful, fresh, innovative, fun. There are articles, books, links, resources and all kinds of help to free the mind so you can do some innovative THINKING.
- Paige Enterprises joins the Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries. A multi-faceted Family and Business resource company specializing in online investing, day trading, investment education, training, bookkeeping, personal finance and business start-up.
- Manning,Lewis & Assoc.,Inc., joins the Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries. Instead of dreaming about being your own small business, Jack makes sure that everything on his site inspires confidence to "just do it."
- Sohodojo submits proposal -- "XML for Business Modeling and Workflow for Entrepreneurial Free Agents (E-Lancers)" -- to the U.S. Department of Commerce under the Small Business Innovation Research program for FY 2000.
- James E. Schneider, LL.M. Incorporated joins the Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries. If you have a home business, Jim can show you how to take advantage of your legal rights to tax savings. Jim is an avid small business revolutionary. His daily newsletter has some of the best tax and legal information available for SOHO businesses on or off-line.
- Vision2Lead and OnLime, Ltd., join Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries. Vision2Lead assists nonprofit and business managers, community leaders and entrepreneurs to identify visions, clarify goals, develop and implement forward-thinking strategies. OnLime, Ltd., produces Sociometry -- excellent software for investigating elastic networks of relationships.
- Sohodojo gets nod in NY Times in Fred Andrews' insightful report on MIT's Inventing the Organizations of the 21st Century Conference. We're the mouse that roared!
- Sohodojo pitches the Home as the Enterprise Zone for the 21st Century at MIT's Inventing the Organizations of the 21st Century conference.
- Readers' Club kicks off first forum -- Operation Manual for Spaceship Earth by Buckminster Fuller.
- Readers' Club formed. Do you resonate with many of the ideas and attitudes you hear and see around the dojo? Nanocorpers, free agents, small business revolutionaries, kindred spirits... a good read is worth sharing. November 15th we kick things off with Operation Manual for Spaceship Earth by Buckminster Fuller.
- Sohodojo creates and hosts the Webring of Small Business Revolutionaries. Are you a free agent or small business person that resonates with the ideas and attitudes here at sohodojo? Are you excited about the nanocorp and the small business revolution? Have we got a Webring for you!
- Sohodojo headed to Greenville, SC to meet ZDTV's The Screensavers. It was the Great Guerilla Marketing Road Trip!.
- Sohodojo Idea Incubators with Thought Retention Technology introduced. Show you are part of the nanocorp and small business revolutionary community at Sohodojo and get a unique boost for your Entrepreneurial Spirit.
- Sohodojo's RB-EBM Research and Development SIG announced. Are you a nanocorper or small business revolutionary with strong skills and interest in helping to envision and develop the software infrastructure of the 21st century workplace? Join an undaunted, self-organizing Special Interest Group interested in role-based executable business modeling technologies.
- joins the Hope Town and Elbow Cay 'B2B' Hurricane Relief effort. Thanks, Forkers, for your support.
- Sohodojo was profiled in a recent 'Success Stories' feature at We're particularly pleased that the article describes how nanocorping free agents live in a world of all business-to-business relationships... the ultimate 'dejobbing' of the workplace.
- Karen and Bill Crumpler's Colonial & Country Collections joins the Hope Town and Elbow Cay 'B2B' Hurricane Relief effort.
- Dan Pink's Free Agent Nation joins sohodojo as a co-sponsor of our Hope Town and Elbow Cay B2B Hurricane Relief effort..
- Sohodojo launches Hope Town and Elbow Cay B2B Hurricane Relief - Small businesses helping small businesses rebuild a very special place, post-Floyd. Care-zine offered to encourage tax-deductible donations.
- Rants and Raves newsletter named to top four on Dan Pink's list of favorite free agent zines. We're in the Pink!... at Free Agent Nation!
- Netmosphere deepens support of Sohodojo . Netmosphere's Robin Eng moderates the Feedback and Support Forum where members of the nanocorp community share experience using Netmosphere's products.
- 2001: A Space Odyssey and Tron, expand Sohodojo RIBs offerings to include videos. Each of these two classic movies has a nanocorp tie-in.
- Sohodojo publishes clickspread analysis of the Sohodojo Business Services (formerly JFS Consulting) nanocorp, technique highlights value of using Faith Popcorn's marketing trends to guide nanocorp business strategies and as an aid in the articulation of marketing messages...
- Sohodojo profiled by Bill Machrone in PC Magazine proving the value of persistent guerrilla marketing efforts...
- Sohodojo launches Rants and Raves newsletter... enjoy a piece of the dojo in the privacy of your in-box
- Sohodojo creates and hosts the Master Webring of the Nanocorps. Each member nanocorp showcases its diversified collection of subsidiary web businesses (a cycle of inner-webrings), while collectively the Master ring showcases our community's emerging Internet-enabled business model, the nanocorp...
- We're an Open Directory Project "Cool Site"... Kind words from our assigned reviewing editor sweeten the prize.
- Sohodojo recommends WebPosition Gold and FirstPlace Software as our website promotion tool and tool provider and we announce our bold "open book" site promotion case study...
- Sohodojo recommends Virtualis for nanocorp website hosting service because tech support and customer orientation are jobs one and two for a hosting service provider...
- Announcing the Open Fork Alliance... because a flawed website deserves a fork in the head.
- Sohodojo opens Amazon Affiliate bookstore and we explain our basic business model for the dojo...
- Got WebTV?... As a reward for Jim's doing the taxes, Timlynn agreed that it was time to get a WebTV Plus. What a pleasant surprise.
- A plan for critical mass... ZOPE in our future... Welcome to Sohodojo.
© 1998-2010 Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky for Sohodojo | Our Privacy Statement
"War College" of the Small Is Good Business Revolution
Website design and hosting by Sohodojo Business Services,
A Portfolio Life nanocorp

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