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The Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab
An Open Business Model page
Welcome to Sohodojo
A Portfolio Life business

Sohodojo Business Services (formerly JFS Consulting) is the nanocorp representing the creative and business enterprises of Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA. We are the founders of the Sohodojo R&D Lab.

Sohodojo was originally envisioned to be owned and operated by a federation of nanocorps but is chartered as a self-funded applied R&D lab to better support the lab's social action mission serving nanocorp-based solo and family-based entrepreneurs in rural and distressed urban communities.

Our current portfolio of web-based dejobbed small businesses include:

  • Sohodojo Inc.
    The applied R&D Lab for entrepreneurial free agents and dejobbed small businesses... the building blocks of Small is Good Business Webs. Sohodojo serves its constituency through the development of Open Source Software technologies and educational materials to support Small is Good Business Webs for ventures such as...

    A 'sandbox' to showcase our Small Is Good Business Web for bridging the Digital Divide with a self-organizing, sustainable network of home-based and 'craftory'-scale product design, development, manufacturing and distribution functions... with a Shamrock core-leaf handling dot-com marketing, sales and customer services! It's about opportunity webs, not career paths in the workplace of the 21st Century.

  • 3RBuilders.Net
    Our 'sandbox' that will showcase the Small Is Good Business Web as it applies to the construction of affordable housing in rural and distressed urban areas using 'Green' building techniques based on the '3R's of "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle". We're working on this most interesting business web with partners in the Earthaven ecovillage in western North Carolina.

  • The Pop Culture Store and Virtual Museum
    A 'sandbox' to showcase 'Small is Good' business webs in a pure-Internet play with a content-driven model which incorporates a strong eCommerce-based marketplace component. The Pop Culture Store and Virtual Museum will create and maintain the largest, international, 'multi-cultural' free and Open repository of information about what is popularly known as Pop Culture... and we intend to have a lot of fun doing it!

Our goal is to guide the development of these Small is Good Business Webs throughout rural and urban communities interested in unleashing the 'other side of capitalism'... the power of 'Small is Good' business webs. An example of target communities for seeding the Entrepreneurial Spirit are the U.S. Renewal Communities, Enterprise Communities and Empowerment Zones.

Quality of life considerations

Highly Recommended
Age of Unreason is a Sohodojo must-read.
The Age of Unreason
Nanocorping secrets revealed by one of England's most astute minds! Everyone, not just nanocorpers, should read this book at least twice.

We really like to think, and read, and write. We like being a catalyst. We don't mind being different.

The convergence of Internet-based communication and incredibly powerful, affordable personal computers has created unprecedented opportunities to innovate and reinvent fundamental social systems.

We have thought long and hard about the emergence of the nanocorp as a new category of corporate structure and strategy. This isn't just a shallow buzzword thing with us.

We believe that we are part of a new strata in the evolving Internet-based global economy. A nanocorp is a global, virtual Mom and Pop Shop run as a diversified corporate conglomerate. The nanocorp is an exciting approach to personal enterprise.

Sohodojo is evolving as a vision-driven, non-profit research and education organization that serves as an applied R&D Lab in support of the growing community of entrepreneurial free agents and dejobbed small business owner/operators... the nanocorps (sounds like, nano-'core')!

Trend-wise, the nanocorp clicks

Faith Popcorn focuses on the shell-like, protective isolation qualities of cocooning. She aptly describes the growing tendency for consumers to shield themselves from the harsh, hectic outside world by retreating into safe, cozy home-like environments.

But cocoons are incubators of transformation, too! Put powerful, affordable personal computers connected to the Internet in that cocoon and you get a virtual Millennial Falcon, an E-ticket to ride.

But it takes more than Internet access in the cocoon to get the nanocorp transformation. The nanocorp taps into 99 lives, being alive, cashing out, clanning, cocooning, egonomics, eveolution, fantasy adventure, icon toppling, mancipation, S.O.S. (Save Our Society), and vigilante consumer.

Take a look at our ClickSpread Analysis of all the Sohodojo Business Services (formerly JFS Consulting) portfolio businesses.

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"War College" of the Small Is Good Business Revolution
Website design and hosting by Sohodojo Business Services,
A Portfolio Life nanocorp

Support Sohodojo, the Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab exploring Open Source technologies to support 'Small is Good' business webs for social/economic development
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