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Top : Inspirational Foundations : Charles Handy :
The Age of Unreason
by Charles Handy
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Review: Timeless Advice on Living the Portfolio Life
George Bernard Shaw observed that all progress depends on the Unreasonable Man - who continually tries to adapt the world to make it fit some inner vision. Reasonable Man (and Woman) are more or less aware of change and over time they adapt to it. They alter themselves to fit the world.
The Age of Paradox
Charles Handy's The Age of Paradox is a natural complement to The Age of Unreason. Our full review and relevant links are forthcoming. In the meantime, please visit this page for links to our booksales affiliates where you can find out more information about this '5-years after' sequel to The Age of Unreason.
In Shaw's time, change occured continuously and relatively slowly (by today's standards). It was, perhaps, a 'reasonable' age. Ten years ago Handy declared that we humans were entering an Age of Unreason -- an era of rapid and highly discontinuous change.
In such a world - of unreasonable, discontinuous change, all the established rules are vulnerable. We need to respond with discontinuous, upside-down thinking. We need new kinds of organizations, new approaches to work, new types of schools, and new ideas about being in the world.
In this book, Handy offers profound insights into the world we live in now and the one roaring in from the horizon. You will learn about 'shamrock', federal and triple-I organizations, inverted donuts, portfolio worklives, the wheel of learning and lubricants of change and other forms of upside-down thinking necessary to embrace the 21st Century.
If you can read only one book about how your world is changing, and how to make the most of this discontinuous change -- make it THIS one!
The Age of Unreason Content at Sohodojo
Best The Age of Unreason Web Links
- The Search for Meaning: An excellent and insightful interview with Charles Handy at the Peter Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management.
- An Interview with Charles Handy: Joel Kurtzman talks with the ever-brilliant Charles Handy in the on-line version of Booz, Allen & Hamilton journal, Strategy and Business.
- Reflections on Portfolio Life: Check out this interesting page on Handy's idea of the Portfolio Lifeat The Global Ideas Bank. (Don't forget to vote on how important you think this idea is after reading the page.)
- A New World of Work: Charles Handy reflects on the dynamics which are reshaping the organization and the workplace at the Work & Culture web site.
- The Shift to Non-Standard Employment: This is a Handy-inspired article with wide-ranging insights into the impact of changing organization structure, the 'dejobbing' of the workplace and finding personal fulfillment in your worklife.
- Feed the Spirit!: Management General's Feed the Spirit! article is a brief Handy piece on the 'new individualism'. (And check out the picture on this inspiring thinker in a field of beautiful sunflowers.)
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