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![]() An Applied R&D Lab Serving Solo and Family-based Entrepreneurs in Rural and Distressed Urban Communities The Nanocorp Primer #3 Role/Actor Scenario PatternsThe A-Team and the Sandbox - A Pattern to Enable Nanocorp Replication (AKA New Economy Job Creation)2015 Update: Many years have passed since Timlynn and I actively pursued Sohodojo. Those years were "life interrupted" as we both faced stage 4 cancer battles and have, so far at least, won a few Bonus Rounds. To this end of #PayingItForward for the Gift of Life, we're essentially re-entering the world by living our lives as much as we can by the ideas we tried so hard to help gain traction at the start of the New Millennium. We'll be mining this site for "oldies but goodies" as we engage in our "Influence Without Authority" Portfolio Lives in the Citizen Science and Citizen History domains. For more about what we do now, please visit and The Softalk Apple Project, and follow us on Twitter at @Jim_Salmons and @TimlynnBabitsky. 2015 NOTE 2: What we called an "A-Team" fifteen years ago today is more commonly called a Personal Learning Network which you will find hashtagged on Twitter as #PLN. The other component of this Primer chapter is the "sandbox" which is what we are doing with our and projects. Here's an infographic of our Portfolio Life as we nurture an Entreprenurial Community Ecosystem. I currently have a #PLN of world-class experts in the #cidocCRM (the Conceptual Reference Model for Museums) and #TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) helping me be a better #CitizenScientist. :-) Here is my #cidocCRM/#TEI #PLN as a Twitter list. You can do it, too. Life-long active learning is like breathing, natural and essential to good health!
PrefaceIn this third installment of The Nanocorp Primer we'll explore the dynamics of scenario-based interaction patterns. The Sohodojo TechSIG is bringing the inspiration of software patterns into to the problem domain of constructing role/actor executable business models using object-oriented software frameworks. In the first installment of The Nanocorp Primer, "The Road Less Traveled and Where It Leads -- How 'Ruthlessly Small' is Derived from First Principles in a Nanocorp World", we explored the paradoxical and perpetual dynamic opposition of 'Small is Good' and 'Big is Good' organizing/business principles. We showed how, properly appreciated and 'ruthlessly' applied, 'Small is Good' dynamics can be just as powerful and therefore competitive as are the all-too-typically applied 'Big is Good' dynamics. In this presentation, we turn our attention to capturing model-based reusable 'dynamic collaboration templates' which facilitate the full range of entrepreneurial free agent (nanocorp) 'elastic networking'. When tightly-coupled with a community-based Best Practices Knowledge-base, such a model-driven collaboration environment will make two important contributions:
This presentation describes one such candidate pattern: "The A-Team and the Sandbox." This is a scenario pattern which facilitates nanocorp growth through replication and transformation. When we understand nanocorps as the 'incorporation wrapper' around entrepreneurial free agents, then nanocorp replication and transformation is equivalent to just-in-time, just-enough, life-long learning. Note: This presentation of an example pattern is descriptive only and should not to be mistaken as a suggested format and presentation of role/actor scenario patterns. We welcome your comments and questions. Contact us.. Thanks for reading, Presentation Conventions and NavigationThe graphical 'slides' in this presentation can be read in sequence without reference to the content, here, 'below the bar'. These annotations under the slides provide additional and related commentary. You will know if a page has annotation comments by the 'within-page navigation bar' at the top of each page. On this page, this 'within-page' navigation aide looks like this: If you don't see any links like the one above on a page (other than the on-page link to the textual version of the slide), there are no additional comments 'below the bar'. Table of ContentsThis presentation consists of the following slides:
Slide textRole/Actor Scenario Patterns: A Model-driven Approach to Entrepreneurial Free Agent Elastic Networking 'The A-Team and the Sandbox' - A Pattern to Demonstrate How Role/Actor Executable Business Models Enable Nanocorp Replication (AKA New Economy Job Creation) << Previous slide] [ Back to first slide ] [Next slide >> |