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An Applied R&D Lab Serving Solo and Family-based Entrepreneurs in Rural and Distressed Urban Communities

The Nanocorp Primer #5

Nanocorps in the Dream Society

How 'Small is Good' Business Webs Will Compete in the Story-driven Marketplaces of the 21st Century

2015 Update: Many years have passed since Timlynn and I actively pursued Sohodojo. Those years were "life interrupted" as we both faced stage 4 cancer battles and have, so far at least, won a few Bonus Rounds. To this end of #PayingItForward for the Gift of Life, we're essentially re-entering the world by living our lives as much as we can by the ideas we tried so hard to help gain traction at the start of the New Millennium. We'll be mining this site for "oldies but goodies" as we engage in our "Influence Without Authority" Portfolio Lives in the Citizen Science and Citizen History domains. For more about what we do now, please visit and The Softalk Apple Project, and follow us on Twitter at @Jim_Salmons and @TimlynnBabitsky.
Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim & Timlynn :-

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Highly Recommended
Rolf Jensen's 'The Dream Society' is a Sohodojo must-read.
Are you and your ruthlessly small business ready for The Dream Society?


This installment of The Nanocorp Primer examines the hypotheses of world-class futurist, Rolf Jensen, to better understand the unique competitive advantage that nanocorps and our 'Small is Good' Business Webs bring to the emerging imagination-based, story-driven marketplaces of what Jensen calls the Dream Society.

In the first installment of The Nanocorp Primer, "The Road Less Traveled and Where It Leads -- How 'Ruthlessly Small' is Derived from First Principles in a Nanocorp World", we explored the paradoxical and perpetual dynamic opposition of 'Small is Good' and 'Big is Good' organizing/business principles. We showed how, properly appreciated and 'ruthlessly' applied, 'Small is Good' dynamics can be just as powerful and therefore competitive as are the all-too-typically applied 'Big is Good' dynamics.

In this presentation, we turn our attention to emerging 'Big Picture' dynamics which will shape consumer behavior in the 21st Century. As we'll see, there is good reason to believe that nanocorps and our 'Small is Good' Business Webs will be competitive players in the New/Network Economy.

Our 'Small is Good B-Webs Have Great Stories' conclusion has profound implications on the research and development agenda of Sohodojo. Most dramatically, we've grounded our understanding that the e-commerce engine behind 'Small is Good' Business Webs will be qualitatively different than those behind 'Big is Good' business models.

We welcome your comments and questions. Contact us..

Thanks for reading,
--Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky--
13 December 2000
Raleigh, NC USA

Presentation Conventions and Navigation

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Table of Contents

This presentation consists of the following slides:

  1. Nanocorps in the Dream Society: How 'Small is Good' Business Webs Will Compete in the Story-driven Marketplaces of the 21st Century
  2. Rolf Jensen in 'The Dream Society' tells us companies with the best stories will drive the marketplaces of the 21st Century.
  3. What are the implications of 'The Dream Society' for 'Small is Good' Business Webs, the cyber-tribes of 21st Century commerce?
  4. Certainly technology is an enabler of economic opportunity, but it may well be our storytelling abilities that win the day.
  5. How will our stories 'play' to consumers of the Dream Society? Hollywood scriptwriters may know better than recently-minted MBAs!
  6. Do nanocorps and our 'Small is Good' Business Webs have what it takes to be good stories in the Dream Society?
  7. In Nanocorp Primer #1, we described Global Human Economic History Past, Present and Future as Our 'Ride' on Spaceship Earth.
  8. 'Big is Good' economies of scale thrive on consumer purchase decisions based on 'How much?' and 'Where?' factors.
  9. 'Small is Good' economies of weightless value-adding thrive on purchase decisions based on 'Who?', 'How?' and 'Why?'
  10. The 'Big is Good' lifecycle is grounded on an assumption of accretive (bigger and more of the same) growth.
  11. The 'Small is Good' lifecycle is based on transformation and replication growth patterns.
  12. Our scriptwriter sees what most MBAs miss... 'Small is Good' B-Webs have elements that make for great stories!
  13. Paradoxically, it isn't enough to be a good story, you have to become good at telling your story, too.
  14. When we get really good at telling our 'Small is Good' Business Web stories, we'll enjoy a flexible competitive advantage.
  15. So nanocorps and our 'Small is Good' Business Webs rejoice... We have a bright future in the Dream Society!

Slide text

Nanocorps in the Dream Society: How 'Small is Good' Business Webs Will Compete in the Story-driven Marketplaces of the 21st Century

No.5 in 'The Nanocorp Primer'
A self-study offering of Sohodojo
The Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab
By: --Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky--
13 December 2000

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