The Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab
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Got WebTV?
Do yourself and your websites a favor, get one today.
12 April 1999: As a reward for Jim's doing the taxes, Timlynn agreed that it was time to get a WebTV Plus. Ostensibly, this much-considered purchase was made to add a unique Internet access device into our Quality Control testbed. Yeah, right, fact is... for two-hundred and fifty bucks for the basic unit with the optional infrared keyboard, WebTV Plus is the coolest enhancement you can add to your TV and it puts you on the cutting edge of TV-Web convergence. But most importantly, if your websites don't look good on it, start worrying.
WebTV is just the first of more and more alternative browsing devices which will perform algorithmic transformations on your code to make your site viewable under parameters you can't begin to second-guess. Attempting to implement a dynamic, interactive site using parallel threads of client-specific code can't be maintained. Simplicity is your best weapon.
If you are a small business revolutionary, a nanocorper, get a WebTV and insist that your sites look and feel right when viewed using WebTV. All your visitors will be better off for what you learn seeing your sites through WebTV eyes. If you don't believe us, visit the WebTV Developers site and convince yourself.
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