An Applied R&D Lab Serving Solo and Family-based Entrepreneurs in Rural and Distressed Urban Communities
Sohodojo, home of the nanocorp
2005-2006 Action Plan
"War College" of the Small Is Good Business Revolution
[ Overview ]
[ Milestones and Objectives ]
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The 2005-2006 Action Agenda for Sohodojo is focused squarely on launching the Small Is Good Business Revolution inIowa and globally in concert with our growing network of collaborative applied research and social action partners. In 2003-2004, we significantly strengthened our strategic position to effectively engage academic, government agencies, non-government organizations and other social entrepreneurs by dramatically increasing our active participation in on-line communities of social entrepreneurs, most notably in the Skoll Foundation's Social Edge and Omidyar Foundation's
Sohodojo is incorporated as a non-profit, education-oriented, applied research and development laboratory chartered to advance the development of Small Is Good business models and their associated software infrastructure technologies. In July of 2004, after nearly two and one-half years of dialog with the U.S. IRS, Sohodojo was granted 501(C)(3) status. (Sadly, once so designated we were not able to attract funding and continued to operate as a self-funded venture. Once our personal cancer battles and other issues hit, we have other priorities along the Long and Winding Road of Life and lost our non-profit status. Since we had never been outside-funded, it was all kind of moot and we continue on inventing and re-inventing our roles in our evolving Portfolio Lives.)
As an independed self-funded virtual R&D lab, Sohodojo is chartered to serve as the repository and steward of the free, Open Source software technologies developed here. Under this non-profit status, Sohodojo is able to seek and accept research sponsorships and grant funding in pursuit of our chartered agenda.
Milestones and Objectives
Our milestones and objectives for 2005-2006 are to launch one or more Small Is Good Business Networks, and to facilitate the development of funding and support services needed to enable the development of the Small Is Good Marketplace:
- Establish a strategic partnership with a Midwest-based soywax company, the Iowa-based social venture that is a leader in soy wax candlemaking and welfare-to-work employment, and launch The Chandler Guild, a microenterprise network of Village Chandlers.
- Expand Sohodojo's Advisory Board with three to four new members to extend our network into economic development and academic research circles. Such support will be essential for coalition building in support of our building successful demonstration microenterprise networks.
- Expand our collaboration with graduate business school students and faculty interested in entrepreneurial applied research in sustainable enterprise by hosting an Open MBA Practicum Project to support the launch and evolution of The Chandler Guild microenterprise network.
- By year-end, obtain our one or two strategic corporate sponsorships supporting the R&D agenda of Sohodojo. These relationships and funding are needed to create a Microenterprise Network Exploratory Learning and Software Development Lab and to prototype and test story-driven and game-oriented e-commerce in support of the Small Is Good Marketplace.
© 1998-2010 Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky for Sohodojo | Our Privacy Statement
"War College" of the Small Is Good Business Revolution
Website design and hosting by Sohodojo Business Services, a Portfolio Life nanocorp

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