An Applied R&D Lab Serving Solo and Family-based Entrepreneurs in Rural and Distressed Urban Communities
'War College' of the Small Is Good Business Revolution
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25 November 2002 - Raleigh, NC and Seattle, WA USA: Sohodojo announced today that
eProject Inc. – a leading provider of enterprise-scale, web-based project management and team collaboration software and
hosted application services – will contribute to Sohodojo's research and education programs by providing
seats of its Enterprise 5.0 ASP service to support the non-profit R&D lab's project teams and stakeholder collaborations.
"eProject's Enterprise service will dramatically enhance the productivity
of our Advisory Board, research directors, project teams, and network
of research and community action collaborators in support of solo and family-based entrepreneurs in rural and distressed urban communities." said Sohodojo
Co-founder and Research Director Jim Salmons.
"We are pleased to be the first corporate research sponsor of Sohodojo." said Shane Jones, President of eProject. "As eProject grows its business, the non-profit, education, and government sectors will become increasingly important to us. Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky are that rare case of entrepreneurial social activists who have a long and strong history in private sector business and consulting. Our support for Sohodojo research – by providing an effective collaboration platform – and Jim and Timlynn's feedback to us about how to best serve customers like Sohodojo, makes this sponsorship a real 'win-win' situation."
"In addition to enhancing the productivity of our lab's distributed teams,"
said Timlynn Babitsky, Sohodojo Co-founder and Research
Director, "eProject's sponsorship will support Sohodojo's field research
and economic development activities in rural Montana by supporting our partnership with
the North American Rural Futures Institute at Montana State University Northern."
eProject, Inc. (, based in Seattle, Washington, was founded in 1997 to develop project management tools that provide real-time visibility into all aspects of projects to ensure that they align with business objectives. The company's flagship product, eProject Enterprise, is an intuitive Web-based project management and collaboration solution that provides an integrated environment for teams to plan, manage and execute projects. Over the last five years, eProject has built a growing customer base of more than 250 companies, including such notables as Honeywell, Petco, Washington Mutual, Cushman Wakefield and HP.
Sohodojo Inc. ( is a non-profit applied R&D lab with an education and research agenda dedicated to the exploration and development of innovative "Small Is Good" business models and their associated software technologies supporting solo and family-based entrepreneurs in rural and distressed urban communities. Sohodojo is involved in a unique partnership in Havre, Montana, working with the North American Rural Futures Institute ( at Montana State University Northern. Together, Sohodojo and NARFI are developing education programs to support rural economic and community development with a futures-oriented perspective.
© 1998-2010 Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky for Sohodojo
Our Privacy Statement
"War College" of the Small Is Good Business Revolution
Website design and hosting by Sohodojo Business Services,
A Portfolio Life nanocorp

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Founders and Research Directors
Jim Salmons
Timlynn Babitsky
JFS Consulting
Raleigh NC USA
Advisory Board
Allan Cohen
Distinguished Professor in Global Leadership
Babson College
Wellesley, MA USA
Andrew Cohill
Knowledge Democracy Center
Founding Principal
Design Nine Organization
Blacksburg, VA USA
Perri Morgan
State Director, NC
National Federation of Independent Business
Raleigh, NC USA
Michael Moshell
CREAT Digital Media Program
Chief Scientist
Visual Systems Lab
Univ. Central Florida
Maitland, FL USA
Gary L. Murphy
President and CEO
Teledynamics Communications, Inc.
Sauble Beach, ON, Canada
Jim Schneider
Tax Attorney
Home-based Business and EZ/EC/RC/HUB Advocate
San Diego, CA USA
Rick Smyre
Communities of the Future
Gastonia, NC USA