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Life In Africa Solidarity Bracelet Prototype Auction
A Small Is Good World Marketplace in the Making!
[ Act Now to Own a Real LiA Collectible Craftwork! ]
[ Life in Africa and the Small Is Good World ]
[ Live 8 Came and Went... but Life in Africa Goes On ]
Related sites:
[ The Life in Africa Network ]
[ The Invisible Children Solidarity Bracelet Auction ]
[ Solidarity bracelets on eBay ]
Act Now to Own a Real LiA Collectible Craftwork!
Are you cool enough to wear a SOLIDARITY Bracelet on your wrist?
Bid happily on eBay knowing you are making an impact on many real lives in Uganda!
In the final version of the film Invisible Children, to be released in US theaters in 2006, the stories of 10 Northern Ugandan children are told to illustrate the complexities of the war in the region, and it's effects on children's lives.
As part of the Invisible Children campaign to call the world's youth into action for Northern Uganda, "solidarity bracelets" will be produced bearing children's names, by community groups of artisans in Uganda. The WE Network is working with the Invisible Children campaign on fundraising and coordination for the Solidarity Bracelet production project.
The unique solidarity bracelet prototypes on auction here are design samples submitted by Ugandan artisans in June 2005 for the campaign. The designers were asked to use at least 50 percent natural or recycled materials, and to produce bracelets for the children's names in assigned colors.
Life in Africa and the Small Is Good World
Friends of Sohodojo already know about Christina Kirabo Jordan and Monica Nankoma. They are both founding members of the Small Is Good World Working Group that was launched this past March at the Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. Christina and Sohodojo's Jim and Timlynn attended as popularly elected delegates of the Skoll Foundation's Social Edge on-line community.
At the Forum, we kicked off the Sohodojo Life In Africa Laptop Computer Recycling Program. The first recipient was the wonderfully inspirational woman and mother, Monica Nankoma (photo below). Monica is the first Internet4Change Agent in Africa and is the director of the first Life in Africa WE (Webbed Empowerment) Center. The WE Center is playing a strategic role in the Life in Africa Solidarity Bracelet Prototype Auction.
In many key ways, the Life in Africa Solidarity Bracelet Prototype Auction is an excellent example of the story-driven, game-oriented marketplaces that are emerging with the growth of the Small Is Good World. As you pour over the Solidarity Bracelet page on the web site, it is easy to see the shift from "How much" and "Where" consumer dynamics of price and distribution to the story-driven consumer dynamics of "Who, How, and Why."
Live 8 Came and Went... but Life in Africa Goes On
On July 2nd, we witnessed the Live 8 Multi-Concert as Rock Stars and entertainment industry celebrities performed around the world to raise awareness about, and to influence the actions at the G8 economic summit of the leaders of the world's richest nations as they consider what can be done to reduce poverty, disease, and civil war in Africa. The elite community of rock stars and entertainers are doing what they can to change the world. They can make such a difference because they have the public's eye, lots of money, and the connections to put on a global spectacle that grabs everyone's attention. That's the way the Big Is Good World works when it is at its best.
But Live 8 came and went in a matter of hours. The G8 meeting in Scotland will be history in a matter of days. After the rock stars and world leaders go home, life goes on for the good folks like Monica Nankoma, Christina Jordan and all the artisans and micro-entrepreneurs who learn and use the Life in Africa WE Center in Uganda. They are each part of the self-help community that is an important part of the Small Is Good World. They are not waiting for a hand-out from rich nations or multinational corporations. They are doing it now, for themselves, and for each other.
When you buy and wear a Solidarity Bracelet, you are doing your part, person-to-person, to say "I care and I'm willing to put my consumer dollars where my heart is."
Please go to eBay now and buy a Life in Africa Solidarity Bracelet.
--Sohodojo Timlynn Babitsky and Jim Salmons
1 July 2005
Iowa USA
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