The Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab
Sohodojo presents...
Our n2n Opportunties Board
Making 'Small is Good' Real in the New Economy
We vowed we would never have 'under construction' pages so we adopted a Just In Time approach to content development, and it just isn't quite this page's time yet.
But seriously, we are just getting started on a very exciting and revolutionary time in terms of our redefining the workplace and our collective relationships to this new business landscape. The dejobbed subsidiaries of our nanocorp 'holding companies' will be fertile ground for an open marketplace of self-directed, self-managed webs of unary businesses collaborating to create products and services in ways that are anything but 'business as usual.'
Over the next few months, we'll be evolving more structure to this nanocorp-to-nanocorp opportuntiy marketplace. In the meantime, we've started an n2n discussion topic for community members and interested visitors who would like to help shape the 'n2n' agenda at Sohodojo.
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"War College" of the Small Is Good Business Revolution
Website design and hosting by Sohodojo Business Services,
A Portfolio Life nanocorp

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