Born to Rebel by Frank J. Sulloway, book or media cover image.

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Born to Rebel
Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives

by Frank J. Sulloway

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Review: Know Thyself Brand You

Children from the same family are often less similar in values and behavior than they are to their peers from other families. Even within the same family, some children conform to authority while others rebel. Why does this happen? What are the implications for your nanocorp Portfolio Life?

Sulloway shows that siblings vary because they adopt different strategies in their quiest for parental favor. Eldest children identify with parents and authority, and support the status quo. Later born, or younger children, rebel against them.

The family niches, birth order in the hierarchy, have tremendous influence on personality. Sibling competition has profound consequences but not only on individual development within the family, but on society as a whole. The same child who rebels against family authority is likely to reject the conventional wisdom of his/her day and revolutionize the way we think. Sulloway is not pulling this from thin air. He documents case after case of historical thought-changers and where they were in their birth order hierarchy.

It took this MIT professor, 25 years to research, document and write this book, but the effort was well worth the wait. If you've ever wondered why you don't seem to fit with the traditional values and behaviors in your family, read this book and take heart.

It is widely accepted that you have to know your product or service before you can effectively sell it. This is doubly true for Brand You... know thyself is more true than ever in Free Agent Nation!

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