Sohodojo's RIBS Joint - Really Important Books and Stuff
Tastiest Food for Your Head on the Web! Sohodojo's RIBS Joint
Resources for Portfolio Life and Business...
Inspirational Foundations (11) Daniel Quinn, Charles Handy, Buckminster Fuller, David Gelernter and other inspiring authors shed light on the Sohodojo vision for the Small Is Good Business Revolution.
Inspiring Entertainment (2) It's not all work and research at the dojo. Now and then we kick back and enjoy a good book, video or tape... but not just any old thing. Here are some entertaining titles with an underlying connection to the ideas and mission of Sohodojo. |
Life and Work Styles (12) It isn't "Business as usual" in the 21st Century. Here are the best books, tapes and videos to help you understand the challenges and opportunities of your Portfolio Life as as independent worker and solo entrepreneur.
Science and Technology (1) As an applied R&D lab, Sohodojo is necessarily involved in some 'deep weeds' thinking and activity. These titles provide essential background and inspiration for our TechSIG's work. |
There are 26 tasty titles for you to choose from!
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