Sohodojo's RIBS Joint - Really Important Books and Stuff
Top : Inspirational Foundations
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Charles Handy (3) Charles Handy is second only to Daniel Quinn as an inspirational Big Thinker affecting the vision of Sohodojo. Handy's insightful books teach us about Shamrock organizations and the Portfolio Life of us fleas inhabiting a world too full of organizational elephants. |
Daniel Quinn (4) No single author is more deserving of an "Inspirational Foundations" subcategory to himself than Daniel Quinn. Quite simply the most profound and original thinker of our time... and any time for that matter. Quinn sees that Mother Culture has no clothes and lays bare the consequences of our listening Lemming-like to her Siren call. |
Mirror Worlds
The best book about that Internet that is not supposed to be about the Internet. A Sohodojo must-read. The Unanbomber was willing to kill to keep you from reading this book!
(Added: 13-Jun-2002 Rating: 9.50 Votes: 2) Rate It
Grow or Die
Grow or Die introduces a system theory of the unifying principle of transformation. Land introduces the idea of three primary patterns of growth; accretion, replication and transformation. Big is Good organizations accrete. Small Is Good people and organizations replicate and transform.
(Added: 22-Aug-2002 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth is a foundation classic underpinning the Small Is Good Business Revolution at Sohodojo. Read it to learn how specialization dulls your appreciation for solutions to real problems facing humanity and our ride on Spaceship Earth.
(Added: 24-Jun-2002 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 77) Rate It
The Support Economy
The Support Economy is simply the most important business and social/economic book written in decades. Zuboff and Maxmin's description of the rise of distributed capitalism is 100% right on the money. Unfortunately, its illustrative scenario examples are frought with rampant Yuppie fantasies of Every Man and Woman a King and Queen that undermine its power. But read in concert with other books, it is a valuable blueprint for our collective and individual futures.
(Added: 16-Feb-2004 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Pages Updated On: 1-Oct-2004 - 11:23:00
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