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This 1988 film is about Preston Tucker who built the car of the future back in the 1940s. Everyone admires his innovative and beautiful car design. But more than that, we admire the man. Preston Tucker is an inspiring American entrepreneur.
(Added: 31-May-2002 Rating: 6.17 Votes: 6) Rate It
2001: A Space Odyssey
No matter what personal spin you put on it, Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey presents a vision of the "paradigm shift". That's what the nanocorp is about for us a Sohodojo. Take the ideas of business process reengineering's streamlining/simplifying strategies to their logical conclusion. When the notion of 'worker' and 'business' fuse, the nanocorp Star Child is born.
(Added: 24-Jun-2002 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
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