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Strategies and Tactics (7)
To be a successful Brand You nanocorp leading the Portfolio Life, you'll need to be effective in selling yourself and your ideas. We've pulled together the best titles to give you the edge in being all that you can be... and then some.

Life and Work Styles Titles

Free Agent Nation by Dan Pink, book or media cover image.

Free Agent Nation
Dan Pink's Free Agent Nation is quite simply the best book written this century about emerging social trends shaping the world of business and our lives!... Okay. It's early in the century. But that's the point. Read it now to avoid surprises in your Portfolio Life.  pop 
(Added: 24-May-2002 Rating: 9.11 Votes: 9) Rate It

Born to Rebel by Frank J. Sulloway, book or media cover image.

Born to Rebel
Children from the same family are often less similar in values and behavior than they are to their peers from other families. Even within the same family, some children conform to authority while others rebel. Why does this happen? And what are its implication for your Portfolio Life as a nanocorp?
(Added: 24-Jun-2002 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 1) Rate It

The Age of Access by Jeremy Rifkin, book or media cover image.

The Age of Access
What happens when everything becomes a paid-for experience? When culture is commodified? When access replaces ownership? Jeremy Rifkin's The Age of Access sheds a bright light on the world that will shape your Portfolio Life.
(Added: 24-Jun-2002 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It

The Dream Society by Rolf Jensen, book or media cover image.

The Dream Society
At first glance, it might seem that Danish futurist Rolf Jensen is simply revisiting the old marketing maxim, 'Sell the sizzle, not the steak'. But it goes deeper than that. Jensen is exploring the dynamics behind business in the affluent economies of the 21st Century which will shift from need-driven information to story-driven imagination.
(Added: 23-Aug-2002 Rating: 9.50 Votes: 2) Rate It

The Rise of the Creative Class by Richard Florida, book or media cover image.

The Rise of the Creative Class
Carnegie Mellon researcher Richard Florida presents a convincing case in his provocative book suggesting that counter-intuitive factors account for the strength of local economies. Artists, geeks, and musicians matter more than multinational corporate headquarters, mega-sports complexes, and industrial infrastructure!
(Added: 19-Sep-2002 Rating: 8.80 Votes: 5) Rate It

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