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An Applied R&D Lab Serving Solo and Family-based Entrepreneurs in Rural and Distressed Urban Communities

The Nanocorp Primer #4

Shamrocks and Nanocorps

Bridging the Digital Divide with 'Small is Good' Business Webs

2015 Update: Many years have passed since Timlynn and I actively pursued Sohodojo. Those years were "life interrupted" as we both faced stage 4 cancer battles and have, so far at least, won a few Bonus Rounds. To this end of #PayingItForward for the Gift of Life, we're essentially re-entering the world by living our lives as much as we can by the ideas we tried so hard to help gain traction at the start of the New Millennium. We'll be mining this site for "oldies but goodies" as we engage in our "Influence Without Authority" Portfolio Lives in the Citizen Science and Citizen History domains. For more about what we do now, please visit and The Softalk Apple Project, and follow us on Twitter at @Jim_Salmons and @TimlynnBabitsky.
Happy-Healthy Vibes,
-: Jim & Timlynn :-

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Highly Recommended
The Age of Unreason is a Sohodojo must-read.
Learn about Shamrock and federal organizations, the Portfolio Life and more in Charles Handy's The Age of Unreason.


This installment of The Nanocorp Primer presents a strategy for using 'Small is Good' organization dynamics to open up a new category of entrepreneurial opportunity in the U.S. Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities. We'll show how Charles Handy's 'Shamrock' organization model plays a part in shaping the 'Small is Good' business webs which can bridge the Digital Divide.

The graphical 'slides' in this presentation can be read in sequence without reference to the content, here, 'below the bar'. These annotations under the slides provide additional and related commentary. You will know if a page has annotation comments by the 'within-page navigation bar' at the top of each page. On this page, the 'within-page' navigation aide looks like this:

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We welcome your comments and questions. Contact us..

Thanks for reading,
--Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky--
28 September 2000
Raleigh, NC USA

Presentation Conventions and Navigation

The graphical 'slides' in this presentation can be read in sequence without reference to the content, here, 'below the bar'. These annotations under the slides provide additional and related commentary. You will know if a page has annotation comments by the 'within-page navigation bar' at the top of each page. On this page, the 'within-page' navigation aide looks like this:

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Table of Contents

This presentation consists of the following slides:

  1. Shamrocks and Nanocorps: Bridging the Digital Divide with 'Small is Good' Business Webs
  2. The 'Digital Divide' It's today's spin on the timeless dilemma of the Gap between the 'Haves' and 'Have-nots'
  3. Solutions to the Digital Divide are not 'rescue missions' to bring folks across the Gap. We need to build bridges.
  4. Shamrocks and Nanocorps: Business Webs of 'Small is Good' partners working together can bridge the Digital Divide.
  5. To understand 'Small is Good' Business Webs, you need to understand Charles Handy's Shamrock organization and its three 'leaves'...
  6. 'Shamrocking' is changing the face of business and the workplace. It is a logical response to global competition and the increased speed of change.
  7. In a Shamrocking world, nanocorps represent the convergence of 'employee' and 'business' coming together as the 'unary business'.
  8. The nanocorp is the 'atomic' building block of a 'Small is Good' Business Web.
  9. Groups of nanocorps form dejobbed small businesses where they fill contractual roles, not jobs.
  10. Free Agent nanocorps and Dejobbed Small Businesses are the basic building blocks of 'Small is Good' Business Webs.
  11. Now... back to the Digital Divide. How do we bridge the Gap with Shamrock-based 'Small is Good' Business Webs?
  12. -- 'Core Leaf', dejobbed, 'small' business, a pure Internet play, the eBrand... (1 of 3)
  13. -- 'Core Leaf', dejobbed, 'small' business, a pure Internet play, the eBrand... (2 of 3)
  14. -- 'Core Leaf', dejobbed, 'small' business, a pure Internet play, the eBrand... (3 of 3)
  15. The Core's Sales and Marketing challenges are comparable to other '' ventures...
  16. The Core's 'crown jewels' are the value-chain infrastructure technologies enabling its 'Small is Good' Business Web
  17.'s 'Small is Good' B-Web -- an elastic network distributed throughout the EZ/EC communities! (1 of 3)
  18.'s 'Small is Good' B-Web -- an elastic network distributed throughout the EZ/EC communities! (2 of 3)
  19.'s 'Small is Good' B-Web -- an elastic network distributed throughout the EZ/EC communities! (3 of 3)
  20.'s 'Small is Good' B-Web can elastically grow and shrink from a few to hundreds or more members
  21. Shamrock-nanocorp 'Small is Good' Business Webs have many of the same properties of the Internet itself
  22. Interested? Want to help build the 'Small is Good' Business Web? Let's start talking...
  23. Shamrocks and Nanocorps: Sometimes the BIG solutions come in the small packages...

Slide text

Shamrocks and Nanocorps: Bridging the Digital Divide with 'Small is Good' Business Webs

No.4 in 'The Nanocorp Primer' - A self-education offering of Sohodojo, The Entrepreneurial Free Agent and .Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab
By: Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky

28 September 2000

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