
The Entrepreneurial Free Agent and Dejobbed Small Business R&D Lab
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Simplicity: The New Competitive Advantage in a World of More, Better, Faster
by Bill Jensen

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We live in an age of increasing complexity -- too much to do, too much to think about, too much to choose -- and way too little time to deal with all of it. What ever happened to those simpler times when you went for the basics and avoided the unnecessary?

Simplicity will help you figure out what to do in a complex world of infinite options. Based on a 6 year study of over 2500 people in 460 companies, Jensen presents new tools and strategies for applying common sense and critical thinking to any business situation - from running a business meeting to implementing system-wide organizational change.

Simplicity is about working smarter, not harder. It's about using common sense in making every business decision. It's about being disciplined, being clear, building trust, and using common sense.

If you apply the KIS rule (Keep It Simple) to everything you work on, you'll create more flexible and productive organizations, fulfilling experiences for colleagues and customers and compelling work for yourself and others.

If you apply the KIS rule to doing business you get "Shamrocks and nanocorps, small is good business webs" of economic opportunity.

If you apply the KIS rule to your web site page designs, you don't add clutter and you don't waste people's time.

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