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What's Cool - The Top 10

Mirror Worlds by David Gelernter, book or media cover image.

Mirror Worlds
The best book about that Internet that is not supposed to be about the Internet. A Sohodojo must-read. The Unanbomber was willing to kill to keep you from reading this book!  pop 
(Added: 13-Jun-2002 Rating: 9.50 Votes: 2) Rate It

The Age of Unreason by Charles Handy, book or media cover image.

The Age of Unreason
Charles Handy's 'The Age of Unreason' is a classic in the growing literature on free agency and the Portfolio Life of independent workers. This title is espeically insightful about Shamrock organization dynamics and how this emerging organizational structure will dramatically impact your future. Are you prepared for your Portfolio Life?  pop 
(Added: 14-Jun-2002 Rating: 5.50 Votes: 2) Rate It

Tucker by Francis Ford Coppola, book or media cover image.

This 1988 film is about Preston Tucker who built the car of the future back in the 1940s. Everyone admires his innovative and beautiful car design. But more than that, we admire the man. Preston Tucker is an inspiring American entrepreneur.  pop 
(Added: 31-May-2002 Rating: 6.17 Votes: 6) Rate It

Free Agent Nation by Dan Pink, book or media cover image.

Free Agent Nation
Dan Pink's Free Agent Nation is quite simply the best book written this century about emerging social trends shaping the world of business and our lives!... Okay. It's early in the century. But that's the point. Read it now to avoid surprises in your Portfolio Life.  pop 
(Added: 24-May-2002 Rating: 9.11 Votes: 9) Rate It

Clicking by Faith Popcorn and Lys Marigold, book or media cover image.

Madison Avenue Marketing Guru and futurist, Faith Popcorn, and her partner, Lys Marigold, serve up a tasty treat that is full of useful insights for positioning and strategizing your 21st Century Portfolio Life.  pop 
(Added: 14-Jun-2002 Rating: 8.50 Votes: 2) Rate It

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene with Joost Elffers, book or media cover image.

The 48 Laws of Power
A feast for the eyes and the mind, The 48 Laws of Power pulls together the most profound thinking of those with or who seek power. Whether you exercise it or its analogue, discretion, you'll want to devour this one before someone who has read it before you has you for lunch!  pop 
(Added: 24-Jun-2002 Rating: 7.15 Votes: 7) Rate It

The Popcorn Report by Faith Popcorn, book or media cover image.

The Popcorn Report
Madison Avenue marketing guru Faith Popcorn's The Popcorn Report is chuck full of insightful identification and explanation of social, consumer and business trends affecting our lives and our businesses.  pop 
(Added: 23-Aug-2002 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It

Influence Without Authority by Allan R. Cohen and David L. Bradford, book or media cover image.

Influence Without Authority
Cohen and Bradford's classic management book, from 1989, detailing the strategies and practice of exercising influence without authority in today's business and community organizations. As timeless as it is timely. A Sohodojo MUST READ!  pop 
(Added: 31-Oct-2002 Rating: 10 Votes: 2) Rate It

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