'War College' of the Small Is Good Business Revolution
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Business Webs at Sohodojo
Technology To Support Sustainable Entrepreneurial Activity in Rural and Distressed Urban Communities
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The Nanocorp Primer web pages include slides we use in public presentations. Contact us if you would like Jim and Timlynn to speak to your group.
Welcome visitors interested in the business models and software technologies supporting business webs. Many of you may be recent readers of the on-line version of the feature article at the Internet World web site that focuses on the emerging ideas and technologies of business webs. This comprehensive article is a valuable resource for scoping the state of today's business web service offerings.
As mentioned in David Carr's feature article, Business Webs: The New Breed of Web-Integration Services, Sohodojo has an active R&D program to develop Open Source business web technologies to enable Small is Good Business Webs as a stimulus to rural and urban entrepreneurism in distressed communities.
While our passion is social action, we are none-the-less technologists interested in the broad topics of web-enabled collaboration, and decentralized and distributed value chains. We welcome your interest and encourage your communication with us. Research sponsors and collaborators are especially welcome.
Business Web Links at Sohodojo
We encourage you to explore Sohodojo content about business webs. To focus your attention, here is an annotated list of links specific to our business webs activity:
Shamrocks and Nanocorps: Technology and Business Model Innovation to Bridge the Digital Divide (PDF format) is our most current and complete statement of who we are and what we are doing. Highlights of this presentation include introduction of the Small Is Good Business Web Input-Output Model.
Two Small Is Good Business Webs Compared takes a feature-wise look at Squirrelfeeders.com and 3RBuilders.Net, two demonstration business webs under development at Sohodojo.
We deconstruct Tapscott, Ticoll and Lowy's Business Web taxonomy to derive initial functional requirements for story-driven, game-oriented Small Is Good commerce in The Yin-yang of e-Commerce Engines.
Shamrocks and Nanocorps: Bridging the Digital Divide with Small Is Good Business Webs presents a strategy for using Small Is Good organization dynamics to open up a new category of entrepreneurial opportunity in the U.S. Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities. Learn how Charles Handy's 'Shamrock' organization model plays a part in shaping the Small Is Good Business Webs which can bridge the Digital Divide.
Nanocorps in the Dream Society: How Small Is Good Business Webs Will Compete in the Story-driven Marketplaces of the 21st Century examines the hypotheses of world-class futurist, Rolf Jensen, to better understand the unique competitive advantage that nanocorps and our Small Is Good Business Webs bring to the emerging imagination-based, story-driven marketplaces of what Jensen calls the Dream Society.
Find our more about our Open MBA Practicum Project to launch Squirrelfeeders.com, a prototypical Small Is Good Business Web.
Here's an intro to our vision for The Nanocorp Game, an exploratory learning environment and developers' sandbox for evolving the role/actor executable business model platform, another 'plank' in our Small Is Good Business Web platform.
Follow this link for more on our Role/Actor Executable Business Models R&D agenda.
We are evolving a collaboration with Argonne National Labs at the University of Chicago. Here's a fascinating paper, FACET: A Simulation Software Framework for Modeling Complex Societal Processes and Interactions. This technology has great potential for being part of the 'engine' of our role-actor executable business model platform. For more, visit the Decision and Information Sciences Division at Argonne.
To learn more about Open Source technologies applicable to the construction of business webs, stop by the Center for Community Collaboration Technologies, our collaboration with the Communities of the Future.
No list of our business webs interest would be complete without referencing our debt to Tapscott, Ticol and Lowy's excellent book, Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs.
And have you read David Gelernter's Mirror Worlds? This is arguably the most inspiring 'thought book' about the Internet and business webs although it is not intended to be about either one. A must-read for any aspiring business web developer.
Thank you for visiting Sohodojo to learn more about the Small Is Good Business Revolution!
--Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky--
Founders and Research Directors
Raleigh, NC USA
April 2001
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"War College" of the Small Is Good Business Revolution
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A Portfolio Life nanocorp

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